Nuclear medicine is the branch of medication that deals with scans or administration of radioactive substances in order to treat or diagnose diseases.
Provided by News Medical: Life Sciences and Medicine, this website outlines what nuclear medicine is and how it works.
Provided by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, this website provides a more in-depth description of what nuclear medicine is and how it works.
Provided by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, this website discusses what nuclear medicine and molecular imaging is, how it helps patients, and when it is used.
Provided by, this website is targeted towards patients and answers questions they may have about nuclear medicine.
Effects of radiation
Provided by the World Nuclear Association, this website discusses the types of radiation, how it is measured, the effects of ionizing radiation, how people are exposed, and the regulatory standards of radiation exposure.
Provided by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, this website discusses the effects of radiation exposure on people.
Hosted by the Physics department of Iowa State University, this website discusses the risks of nuclear power, including radiation exposure.
What is nuclear medicine?